Why ezyCheque?
Try before you buy
ezyCheque is a shareware program which allows you to try it before you buy it! You can try ezyCheque for FREE for 15 days or 50 times of printouts and then purchase the full version if it meet your needs. Compare to a normal retail channels, you are forced to pay for the product before you've ever seen it.
Lower prices
We distribute our software via internet, also known as Electronic Software Distribution (ESD). This channel of products distribution incurred lower cost of product solds compare to traditional retail channels. This is because costs related to packaging, distribution and storage are avoided. As such, we can offer you a better price for the same solutions you can find in the market.
Easier to setup
When you first start a ezyCheque software, you will be prompted with a Getting Started wizard screen. This wizard screen asks for all the information necessary to start using the program. Once the wizard complete, you can use the software without going through the manual to input important information in the hidden software windows.
With the new Cheque Files function, you can import and export cheque templates from and to a Cheque File. This Cheque File can be shared and used by the same banker's cheque holder. You can download the Cheque Files template from our Cheque Files database and import it to the bank's settings. With few more printer settings, you are ready to print cheques.
User friendly graphic user interface
ezyCheque software is designed so that it is easier to use and understand. The cheque-like interface allows you to key in information on the location same like a cheque.