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:: Welcome to ezyCheque ::
ezyCheque is a product of iSquare Solutions - a Malaysian software developer company that provides solutions for cheque-handling activities. We offer innovative software for our clients' business solutions. Learn more.
:: News ::

Jul 26, 2009
ezyCheque Lite Edition 2.1 Released

New ezyCheque Lite Edition 2.1 released with improved functionality and bug fixed. Check out our release notes for more details.

Apr 9, 2008
Fast cheque transaction
Malaysians can expect faster cheque clearance when banks implement a new system next year. Called the Cheque Truncation and Conversion System (CTCS), the system will allow all cheques, local and outstation, to be cleared within the same day. Read more.

May 26, 2007
BNM New Clearance System - Cheque Truncation & Conversion system (CTCS)
Bank Negara, Malaysia's central bank, has directed all banks to introduce a new electronic clearance system for cheques and is expected to be in full operation by early 2008. Read more.

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  Online Tutorials  

Online Tutorials

Welcome to ezyCheque Online Tutorials. This online tutorials contain several important topics to get you started using ezyCheque software only and is not a complete guide. Please download the user manual for the complete guide in using ezyCheque software.

Please select a topic below:

Bank Setup

Cheque's fields setting

Adjust cheque location

Import and export EBF files


Adjust cheque location

Adjusting cheque location is a critical step to make sure the cheque is print accurately.

In the ezyCheque Bank Setup screen, go to Print Settings tab and click on Change... button. A Cheque's Location Adjustment dialog box opens.

Figure: Cheque's location & orientation settings screen

Before you adjust anything, please read the table below and understand which settings is best used for your printer:

Printer Type Orientation Cheque Alignment Cheque Placement Description
Dot Matrix Printer Portrait
bottom left button
Cheque is placed to left side of the tray, facing back and insert from top. Most dot matrix printers have a roller which will roll the paper from behind to front.
top left button
Laser Printer
center left button
Cheque is insert at the center of the envelop tray, facing front with portrait orientation. Most laser printers have a special tray for envelop.
Not recommended
Bubblejet / Inkjet Printer Portrait
bottom left button
Cheque is placed to the left side of the tray, facing front with portrait orientation. Most bubble-jet printers have either an inserting trap from top or bottom.
Not recommended

Table: Recommended cheque alignment for different type of printers

Please follow the instruction below to set the cheque's location:

Step 1: in the Cheque's Location Adjustment screen, select the Orientation that you prefer. It is recommended to use Landscape orientation for dot matrix printer and Portrait orientation for laser and bubblejet printers.

Step 2: Click on the Quick Align button recommended in the Table above according to the Orientation you chose in Step 1.

Step 3: Insert a cancelled cheque or a mock cheque in the printer as recommended in the Table above. Click on Print Sample button to test print the cheque location you just set.

Step 4: The cancelled cheque or mock cheque you just test printed in Step 3 might not printed accurately. It might printed to a little right or bottom. If this is the case, adjust the Top and Left of the Cheque Location.

Step 5: Insert another cancelled cheque or mock cheque in the printer and test print again on the Top and Left cheque location you just set. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 until the information is printed accurately in the cheque.

Step 6: Click OK to save the settings.

Import and export EBF files

Importing EBF files to your exisiting bank record

In the ezyCheque Bank Setup screen, select the bank record you would like to import the EBF file and click on Edit button.

Go to Other Settings tab and click on Import EBF file button button.

A dialog box opens and notify you that all current data of the bank will be replaced. Click Yes to continue.

A Open File dialog box opens. Select the EBF file that you want to import and click Open.

After the EBF file has been imported, you have to adjust the cheque location aligned to your printer.

When done, click on Save button and Close the screen to start printing cheques.

Importing EBF files as new bank record

In the ezyCheque Bank Setup screen, click on Add button.

In the Bank Details tab, key in the Bank Name, Bank Code, Account Number, Current Cheque Number and Branch.

When done, import the EBF file. Go to Other Settings tab and click on Import EBF file button button.

A dialog box opens and notify you that all current data of the bank will be replaced. Click Yes to continue.

A Open File dialog box opens. Select the EBF file that you want to import and click Open.

After the EBF file has been imported, you have to adjust the cheque location aligned to your printer.

When done, click on Save button and Close the screen to start printing cheques.

Exporting EBF files

In the ezyCheque Bank Setup screen, select the bank record you would like to export to EBF file and click on Edit button.

Go to Other Settings tab and click on Export EBF file button button.

A Export Bank Data dialog box opens. Insert the name of the file you would like to export to at the File name field. Then click Save.

A dialog box shows up notify you that the EBF file has been exported successfully. Click OK.

When done, click on Save button and Close the screen.

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