Trial Downloads
Download 15-day trial versions of our products
ezyCheque products are available here for download in 15-Day Trial versions. You can freely download and install these versions on your computer for evaluation. Learn more.
Learn how to Download and Install a Trial version
Learn how to uinstall a Trial version
More Information on Trial versions
ezyCheque products are available here for download in 15-Day Trial versions. You can freely download and install these version on your computer for evaluation. This way allows you to try our products before you purchase them. You can evaluate a program during a trial period of 15 days after the installation and 50 pieces of cheque printing without any cost or obligation. When the trial period ends or 50 times of printing, the products can be launched and used but you cannot print cheques.
Payment is required if you wish to continue using it beyond the trial period or reaches its limit of printing. To purchase a product, fill in your order in the order form. You will receive URLs to download the fully working version by post, fax or email once your payment is confirmed.
System Requirements and supported software
Below is the system requirements and supported software required in order to run ezyCheque products.
• One of the following operating systems:
• Microsoft ® Windows ® 7 Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate
• Microsoft ® Windows ® Vista, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business or Ultimate
• Microsoft Windows XP, HOme or Professional Edition (Service Pack 2)
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 3)
• Microsoft Windows ME
• Microsoft Windows 98, SE only
• 300MB (x86), 650MB (x64) of available hard-disk space (with Microsoft .Net Framework)
• Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5
• Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 (except for Windows 98/ME, which require Windows Installer 2.0 or later).
• 400 MHz Pentium processor or equivalent (Minimum); 1GHz Pentium processor or equivalent (Recommended)
• 96 MB (Minimum); 256 MB (Recommended)
• Personal Standalone Printer - dot matrix, inkjet, or laser printer
How to download and install a Trial software?
Downloading the install file
• Choose the program and download (see above).
• Note the name of the file and its size in byte.
• A dialog box opens and asks you if you wants to run or save the file. Click on Save button.
• In a second window, choose a directory to save the file. Then click OK.
• The download begins. Please be patient and wait until the end of the process. If the download is interrupted, the downloaded file is corrupted. See below how to proceed ("if the downloaded file is currupted")
• When done, check that the file size is correct (see file size in bytes).
Install the program
• Using your browser select the previously chosen directory.
• If the file a zip package, uncompress it to a temporary folder and launch the install file.
• If the file is auto-installable executable (*.exe), launch the install file.
• Follow the instructions.
If the downloaded file is currupted...
If the internet connection has been terminated before the end of the download (size does not match) or if the download procedure returned damage data (it may happen during a connection) then the install procedure will fail returning an error message.
• Delete the download file from your hard drive. Then try to download the same file from the same source.
• If it fails again, try another source.
• If you still have problems, try to download the ZIP version. If you unpack the ZIP file without problem, it means that the install file is correct.
How to uninstall a Trial software?
• From Windows desktop, choose Start/Settings/Control Panel.
• Control panel windows open. Double-click on the Add/Remove Program icon.
• A dialog box opens showing a list of previously installed program. Select the program you want to uninstall then choose Remove.
• Follow the instructions. |